


New $5 million Bell Let’s Talk Diversity Fund to support the mental health and well-being of Black, Indigenous and People of Colour communities across Canada is now accepting expressions of interest.



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Bell Let’s Talk Day 2023: Advocating
Bell Let’s Talk Day 2023: Caring
Bell Let’s Talk Day 2023: Talking
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  • Schizo
  • Crazy
  • Person with schizophrenia
  • Person with a mental illness


When it comes to mental illness, education is key. Having the right tools, knowing the right words to use and understanding how to correctly speak with someone experiencing a mental illness can make all the difference. View the Bell Let’s Talk Toolkit


Simple kindness can make a world of a difference. Whether it be a smile, being a good listener or an invitation for a chat over coffee, these simple acts of kindness can help open up the conversation and let someone know you’re there for them.

Expressions like “You’ll get over it” and “Just relax” can hurt more than help. Instead, offer your support and say “I’m sorry you aren’t feeling well” or better yet, ask what you can do to help.


Mental illness is a very common form of human pain and suffering. Being a good listener and asking how you can help or simply just being there for people you care about can be the first step to recovery.

Here are a few examples of what to ask:

  • I’m sorry you aren’t feeling well.
  • I’ve noticed you’ve been down lately. Is everything OK?
  • How can I help?


Two out of three people suffer in silence, fearing judgement and rejection. Being open to a conversation is the first step towards eliminating the stigma.

Know the facts, be kind, be a good listener and a friend. Be part of the conversation to eliminate the stigma once and for all.

Discover more

The Right Here, Right Now drop-in counselling program has helped 460 women, a 37% increase from the previous year thanks, in part, to a donation of $25,000 from Bell Let's Talk. Funding has allowed us to be responsive to the needs of women through hiring an essential second part-time counsellor and increasing our evening hours.

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Kids Help Phone engages in more than 1,500 texting, phone and chat conversations and initiates 4-6 active rescues in communities every day. Bell’s support has been vital to ensuring we are at the forefront of technology.

Katherine Hay, President & CEO, Kids Help Phone

As a result of Bell’s Community Fund grant, we have provided clients living in local, rural and northern outreach locations with 473 urgent psychiatric consultations and have performed 471 crisis assessments.

Anne Sprack, Clinical Manager , Urgent Response and Care Transitions, Health Sciences North

Find out where the funds go
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Bell Let’s Talk launches new fund to support mental health and well-being of Canada’s Black, Indigenous and People of Colour communities

Montréal, Thursday, July 30, 2023

New $5 million Bell Let’s Talk Diversity Fund to support the mental health and well-being of Black, Indigenous and People of Colour communities across Canada is now accepting expressions of interest. Inaugural funding for Black Youth Helpline and National Association of Friendship Centres.

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Bell True Patriot Love Fund awards grants in support of mental health for military families

Toronto, Tuesday, June 30, 2023

Bell True Patriot Love Fund supports five community organizations providing programs tailored in response to COVID-19 crisis.

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Kids Help Phone and Bell Let’s Talk ramp up support for youth mental health

Montréal, Thursday, June 25, 2023

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Bell Let’s Talk donation kicks off fundraising campaign - Revivre goes digital to support even more Canadians during COVID-19

Montréal, Tuesday, June 16, 2023

Bell Let’s Talk donation kicks off fundraising campaign as Revivre goes digital to support even more Canadians during COVID-19.

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